Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Visual C + + 2010 Simple Math

Yesterday I had about providing visual basic 2010 tutorial by making calculator, which is not much different, but this time we will use the language C + + console application, before starting the tutorial would be nice if we prepare the Coffee and Cigarettes first braaay. : ")) Hehehe .. cekidoot bro. . . .

  • Open Visual C + + 2010
  • Create a new project -> File -> New Project -> Win32 Console Application
  • Will appear later wizard, click Next -> Check the Empty Project and Finish


  • Later click on the solution explorer, you will find a folder
  1. External Dependencies
  2. Header Files
  3. Resource Files
  4. Source Files
  • Right click the Source Files -> Add -> New Item -> C + + File (. Cpp) berinama "variable"
  • Next type the following Code

<iostream> # Include
# include "conio.h"
using namespace std;

void main () {
    int bil1;
    int bil2;
    int result;
    cout << "Enter first number:";
    cin >> bil1;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Enter the Numbers:";
    cin >> bil2;
    cout << endl;
    result + = bil1 bil2;
    cout << result;

    _getch ();

  • Test program, and if successful will appear as shown below


The picture above is the program we are working to add the number 1 and number 2

If there is trouble you can email or sms me at adeyahya@hotmail.com / +6287728128156
thank you for following this tutorial, please download the source code in http://www.ziddu.com/download/19170063/simpelmatematika.zip.html

Visual C++ 2010 Simpel Matematika

Kemarin saya sudah memberika tutorial visual basic 2010 yaitu membuat calculator, yang ini tidak jauh beda, namun kali ini kita akan menggunakan bahasa C++ console application, sebelum memulai tutorial alangkah baiknya jika kita siapkan Kopi dan Rokok dulu braaay . :”)) hehehe .. cekidoot bro . . . .

no image

From now on, lessons are becoming somewhat more than basic. The most important thing is that you understand clearly the material especially the examples shown which are very important and you should keep on practicing more often.

Procedures are just like small programs. Sometimes they are called sub--programs. They help the programmer to avoid repetitions. A procedure start off with a begin and ends up with an end;. It can also have its own variables, which cannot be used with the main-program. To have an exact definition of a procedure, you should compare a program which includes a repeated section with another program avoiding the repeated sections by using a procedure, which is called several times:
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Belajar Visual Basic 2010–Membuat Calculator

Pembelajaran visual basic 2010 yang ketiga adalah membuat calculator sederhana, langsung ikuti langkah – langkahnya aja yak !

  • Buka VB2010 File –> New Project
  • Desain Project kamu seperti gambar di bawah ini


Belajar Pascal–String

Setelah kemarin kita belajar bahasa pemrograman pascal yaitu hello world Maka kali ini kita akan belajar tentang string, seperti biasa pertama kita harus membuka compiler tercinta kita ! free pascal

Belajar Pascal – Hello World Program Pertama

posting kali ini adalah membuat program pascal yang pertama yaitu hello world, untuk anda yang baru mengenal bahasa pemrograman pascal dan belum mempunyai compilernya silahkan di download di https://sourceforge.net/projects/freepascal/files/latest/download?source=files dan jika anda sudah mempunyai programnya silahkan langsung dibuka untuk segera praktek. disini saya menggunakan free pascal

Saturday, April 14, 2012
Membuat Browser Dengan Visual Basic 2010

about-you-developerSelamat siang para pembaca setia .. siang ini gw mo share tutorial sekaligus bahan lengkap buat praktek :”D saya akan membagi video tutorial HD tentang bagaimana membuat webbrowser melalui visual basic 2010, berhubung video ini selalu rusak saat saya upload ke youtube, dengan berat hati saya mengupload nya di mediafire dengan format rar, namun janganlah kecewa kawan . . . karena video ini juga di sertai project atau source code

silahkan download  Disini